Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Thought -- October 19, 2012

Good Morning Friends,

“Whom have I in heaven but you?  And earth has nothing I desire besides you.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Psalm 73:25-26)

What is it about heaven that you most long for?

There are many things about heaven that will be marvelous.  The book of Revelation paints a picture of heaven that delights us.  It speaks of heaven as a place of no tears, no death, no mourning, no pain.  There will be walls of jasper, streets of gold, gates of pearl and the adornment of beautiful jewels.  There is a river of the water of life and the tree of life.  It sounds grand.  And then there is the picture that Jesus drew in John 14 of a place with many mansions and a special place prepared just for us.  I do long to go there for all of those things and many more.  The angels, the singing, the glory of it all!

I also think about the loved ones that I already know are in heaven.  I so look forward to seeing them again and to experiencing an eternity with them.

But there is one overriding thing about heaven that caused the Psalmist’s heart to long for it the most.  It’s the thing about heaven that we should long for the most, too.  It is the presence of God Himself and of Jesus that should most thrill our hearts about heaven.  “Whom have I in heaven but you?”  Everything else about heaven pales when compared to fact that God will there!

Now switch your focus to earth.  What is about earth that is you desire the most?

Is it wealth?  Is it comfort?  Is it excitement?  Is it power?  Is it acclaim?  Is it rest?  Is it accomplishment?

For the Psalmist, none of those was his deepest desire on earth.  His deepest on earth was also his greatest longing of heaven.  On earth, he most desired God.  Oh, to have that kind of single-minded focus!  It would simplify our lives and clarify our purpose.

To desire God more than anything or anyone -- that is to be our focus for eternity and a focus that starts now!

His, by Grace,


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