Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday Thought -- September 11, 2012

Good Morning Friends,

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

The world offers many trust alternatives.

For retirement, there is Social Security and the stock market.  Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that Social Security will still be solvent when many of us reach retirement age.  And the stock market goes down as well as up – as we have been reminded the last few years.

For our health, there are a whole host of medical professionals to whom we can turn.  Unfortunately, not even the best medical specialists have all the answers to the problems that can afflict the human body and not even the finest medical care can avert death indefinitely.

For security, we can trust the military might of the United States.  Unfortunately, not even all the might our forces have can totally protect us from danger.  The Oklahoma City bombing and September 11th made that point in dramatic fashion.

For success, we can trust our own intelligence and hard work.  Unfortunately, intelligence and hard work aren’t always adequate to ensure success.  There are many hard working and intelligent people who would be considered failures by every standard of the world.

Is there anywhere else to turn that is truly trustworthy?  Of course there is – we can trust God.  We may not always understand why He answers our prayers in the way He does, but He has forever proven His love in His gift of Jesus and forever proven His power in the resurrection and a thousand other dramatic statements that show that nothing can stand in the way of His will.

It’s a choice I make – I choose to trust God!

His, by Grace,


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