Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday Thought -- February 11, 2015

Good Morning Friends,

“The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem: ‘Meaningless!  Meaningless!’ says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.’” (Ecclesiastes 1:1-2)

Solomon had the opportunity to sample most of what the world has to offer.

He was wealthy beyond anyone else in his time.

He knew power, ruling over a larger section of the world than any other king of Israel.

He knew pleasure, with hundreds of wives and hundreds of concubines and any kind of pleasure he wanted.

He knew the results of hard work, laboring to build a great Temple and to accomplish
much in his life.

He knew fame, with word of his wisdom and glory spreading throughout the world.

He had tasted most of what the world has to offer -- all that it offered in his day. And this is his conclusion, “Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless.”

None of what the world has to offer means anything in the long term. At the end of life, the accomplishments of this world seem small and worthless.

Even the greatest wealth eventually turns to dust and none of it can be taken with you.

The most powerful man in the world can do nothing to overcome death and all his power ends as he grows weak and dies.

Pleasure feels good for the moment, but the moment passes and the pleasure passes with it.

Hard work accomplishes something in the short term, but the most glorious result of man’s work crumbles with time.

Even the most famous of men and women fade from memory over the years after their passing.

What the world has to offer just isn’t worth giving your life to. To find something meaningful you’ll have to look beyond this world.

His. by Grace,


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