Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday Thought -- October 9, 2013

Good Morning Friends,

Jacob fled his homeland because he had deceived Esau. Jacob was afraid of Esau’s anger. For over 20 years, Jacob stayed away from his home, afraid to go back because of what Esau might do to him. Finally, Jacob decided to go home.

On the way he prayed that God would save him from Esau. When he approached Esau’s home, he sent gifts ahead to Esau, seeking to appease his anger.

“Jacob looked up and there was Esau, coming with his four hundred men; so he divided the children among Leah, Rachel and the two maidservants. He put the maidservants and their children in front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph in the rear. He himself went on ahead and bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother.” (Genesis 33:1-3)

Jacob did everything he could think of to appease Esau and then when he saw Esau he arranged his family so that his most beloved were at the back, furthest from danger. In fear, Jacob moved toward Esau.

“But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept.” (Genesis 33:4)

What Jacob had feared for over 20 years turned out to be nothing to fear at all. His appeasement of Esau was not necessary. Protecting his beloved was not necessary. Cowering as he approached his brother was not necessary.

How long did Jacob stay away from home unnecessarily? How much fear and anguish did Jacob feel that he didn't have to? How much sleep did he lose for no reason?

Sometimes the things we avoid because of fear turn out to be much less of a problem than we make them out to be in our minds.

Are there fears that you have that God is asking you to confront? They may turn out to be only a shadow of what you think they are.

His, by Grace,


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