Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday Thought -- April 1, 2015

Good Morning Friends,

“In building the temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built.” (1 Kings 6:7)

It’s impressive that Solomon’s builders were able to construct the Temple without using iron implements at the actual building site. The quarry was some distance away from the construction area. The rocks used in the construction had to be moved from the quarry to the building site. All of the work on the individual building blocks was done at the quarry.

When we traveled to Israel we saw some of the building blocks that made up the outer wall of the Temple that Solomon built. They were huge stones – one weighs over 400 tons. It’s hard to imagine how they moved it and others of similar size that made up the Temple. What’s even more impressive than the size of the stones is how well they fit together to make the wall of the Temple. Though they are huge, there is hardly a crack between them. Even now, thousands of years later you can’t insert anything between two stones. How did they do that – and without even using an iron implement for the final fitting?

It seems to me that the workmen must have taken great care to do their jobs right – and to do them right the first time. They gave their best to build the Temple for God.

God deserved their best and they painstakingly gave it to Him.

God deserves our best, too … in whatever we do for Him.

His, by Grace,


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