Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday Thought -- August 28, 2013

Good Morning Friends,

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.’” (Genesis 3:15-17)

What astounding freedom God gave Adam and Eve in the Garden Eden. It was a perfect place in which they lived. Their work was unhindered by weeds and thorns and other impediments to fruitfulness. They were not subject to the pains of guilt and shame. They could enjoy every aspect of the beautiful garden God had created for them.

There was only one restriction – one tree that they were commanded not to eat. I can’t imagine living in that kind of freedom. They weren’t subject to the Ten Commandments. They weren’t subject to the hundreds of laws by which God gave structure to the Jewish people. They did not have to follow the thousands of laws by which man has brought order into our society. They had only one rule – one tree from which they could not eat.

How many trees were there in the Garden of Eden? How many different kinds of fruit were there from which they could choose? Perhaps there were dozens – maybe hundreds – maybe even thousands. And all of them were theirs for the taking without restriction. Only one tree was forbidden to them.

Yet, they could not take their eyes off the one tree that was forbidden. They could not say “no” to the temptation that was set before them by the serpent. Eve, and then Adam, gave in and broke the one law God had made in their Eden.

And from that day to this, the forbidden has had a strong attraction for all mankind. Even today there are so many things that we can freely do and enjoy without restriction. Yes, there are more laws than just the one that we’ve been commanded to follow. But even with those restrictions there are still so many choices that are ours without guilt. Still we are drawn to the forbidden – and often choose it.

Take a moment today to consider all the choices that are before you for which there are no restrictions from God. Rejoice in those choices and the awesome freedom we enjoy. Resolve anew today to say “no” to the forbidden.

His, by Grace,


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