Good Morning Friends,
“They talked about Jesus, ‘He was a prophet,
powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. They crucified him;
but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. … Jesus
said to them, ‘How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that
the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and
then enter his glory?’ Beginning with Moses and the Prophets, he explained to
them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.” (Luke 24:19-27)
The Jews had been studying the scriptures. They
knew what the prophets said about the Messiah. Those who were devout were
hoping for the Messiah and praying and waiting faithfully for Him.
The disciples of Jesus on the road to Emmaus
had even greater advantage than the usual Jew. They had heard Jesus teach. They
had walked with Jesus as He talked with the crowds, explained the scriptures
and worked miracles. They had placed their faith in Him. They believed that He
was the Messiah.
Yet, here they are, after Jesus’ death, His
resurrection and after the report of the resurrection from the women and a
couple of other disciples. They still did not believe. They still did not
They had heard and studied the word of the
prophets – but they didn’t believe what they predicted. They couldn’t fathom
that the Messiah would be killed and then come to life again. That was too much
for them to embrace without having witnessed it.
Jesus said to them, “How foolish are you, and
how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”
We are surprised by the hesitancy and unbelief
of the disciples. Yet, we, too, have heard and studied the word of the prophets
and have met Jesus and embraced faith in Him, yet, we are also slow to believe
all that the prophets have spoken. Slow to believe that Jesus really has
conquered death. Slow to believe that heaven really does await. Slow to believe
that Jesus really is coming again.
The resurrection proves that all the prophets
have spoken will come to pass.
His, by Grace, Steve
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