Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday Thought – July 16, 2015

Good Morning Friends,

The story of Moses and Pharaoh is an interesting look into human nature. Moses worked miracle after miracle. His staff turned into a snake and then back to a stick. The water of Egypt turned to blood when Moses gave the word. Frogs swarmed over the whole land, then gnats. On and on the miracles went and with each one came the same response from Pharaoh, he hardened his heart and would not do what the Lord was asking through Moses. (Exodus 7-10)

Pharaoh did not want to believe and so nothing would change his mind.

I once read of a graduate student in science who gave convincing proofs of God’s existence to his roommate over the course of the year. The roommate’s mind remained steadfastly unwilling to accept that there was a God. Finally, the Christian roommate asked the other why he would not believe. With surprising honesty, the roommate replied, “If I wanted to believe I would, but I don’t want to believe.” Not many people are that honest.

That’s the story of Pharaoh. That’s the story of many others through the centuries.  It’s not that they can’t see the evidence of God. It’s not that the evidence is unconvincing. They do not want to believe, so they harden their heart against what they see.

In Jesus’ story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man in the place of torment cried out to Abraham to send someone back to his brothers to warn them of what was ahead. Abraham replied, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” (Luke 16:31) The most convincing proof will not be enough if they do not want to believe.

Proof doesn’t move someone to God. Willingness to surrender moves them. Pharaoh stubbornly refused because he could not imagine a life in which he was not in control of his destiny. There was a hardness in Pharaoh’s heart that would never change.

When God looks at your heart does He see hardness or a softness that is willing to listen and surrender?

His, by Grace,


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