Morning Friends,
the third month after the Israelites left Egypt they came to the Desert of
Sinai. They entered the Desert of Sinai, and camped there in the desert in
front of the mountain. Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him
from the mountain and said, ‘This is what you are to tell the people of Israel:
“You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’
wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant,
then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole
earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”’”
(Exodus 19:1-6)
spoke to Moses on the mountain and gave him a clear message for the people. As
the days progressed and the Lord continued to speak to Moses, the message would
get even clearer. God would speak in precise detail about how Israel was to
live and how they were to follow Him.
it be great if God would speak today in the way He spoke to Israel? Wouldn’t it
be great if He would tell us what to believe and how to act and what it means
to follow Him?
truth is – God has spoken to us and with clarity similar to the clarity with
which He spoke to Israel!
people of Israel had only the word of Moses that he orally communicated to the
people. But for us, we each have in our homes a copy of God’s full
communication to us. It goes on for hundreds of pages, each carefully provided
for our benefit. God’s revelation in the Bible clearly tells us what to
believe. It provides a clear message about how to act, with principles that can
be applied to every situation in life. It provides an unmistakable guide to
reveal how to follow God.
wonder how many of us wish that God would speak to us like He did in the days
of Moses, and yet don’t read what He has given us?
by Grace, Steve