Good Morning Friends,
“There are six things the LORD hates, seven
that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed
innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to
rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up
dissension among brothers.” (Proverbs 6:16-19)
God doesn’t hate people, but He does hate the
sins that we often give in to. In fact, God’s love for people can be seen in
the sins that stir the deepest feelings in Him. The seven sins Solomon mentions
in this list are all sins that affect other people.
Haughty eyes -- pride says that I’m more
important than someone else, that my needs and desires come before theirs. That’s
never the way of the Lord. The way of the Lord is in humility. Paul reminded
us, “In humility consider others better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3)
A lying tongue -- God is the God of truth,
not lies. In fact, the devil is the “father of lies.” Jesus said of the devil, “When he lies, he
speaks his native language.” (John 8:44) When we give in to the temptation to
lie, we follow the path of the devil, not the path of the Lord.
Hands that shed innocent blood -- God
protects the innocent and He calls us to the same commitment!
A heart that devises wicked schemes -- The
plans God has for us are not for harm, but for hope. The plans we are to devise
should have that same characteristic.
Feet that rush into evil -- Paul encouraged
Timothy to “flee temptation.” We are to run away from evil, not rush toward it.
A false witness who pours out lies -- There
must be something doubly troubling to God about a lying tongue for Him to
mention it twice in this list.
A man who stirs up dissension among brothers
-- God loves unity and hates dissension among people. God pours out His
blessings when brothers live together in unity. (Psalm 133) He longs to see
people get along and asks us to do everything in our power to get along with
those around us and to be peacemakers among others.
His, by Grace,
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