Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Thought -- October 20, 2014

Good Morning Friends,

“Therefore Jesus said again, ‘I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’” (John 10:7-10)

They clamor for attention, making claims that they cannot fulfill.

Wealth shouts, “Here’s life, pursue me and you’ll find everything that you dream of.” But those who have pursued wealth and won have not found the fulfillment it offered, they’ve found emptiness instead.

Pleasure shouts, “Here’s life, pursue me, take all the pleasure you can find and you’ll be truly happy. It will be all you ever dreamed of, real life.” But the end of a life pursuing pleasure isn’t the fulfillment it promised, but dissatisfaction that there isn’t more and a hollow feeling inside.

Power shouts, “Here’s life, seek to control people and things and in that control you’ll find the satisfaction you desire.” But, in the end, power isn’t all that it claims to be. It fades and is gone, and even while you have it, it doesn’t provide the fulfillment it promised.

Name every other pursuit the world offers and the same can be said of them. They offer life, fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness. In the end, they cannot deliver what they promise. They are thieves, offering what they cannot give and stealing your opportunity to find true life.

There is a pursuit that does fulfill. It brings satisfaction that does not fade. It brings happiness that cannot be taken away. It provides more than it claims. Life, real life, is not in the pursuits of the world, but in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pursue that, pursue Him, and you’ll find life.

Sometimes we look at the things of the world and wonder if perhaps that pursuit would be better. Don’t be fooled by what you see. Don’t be fooled by the facade people wear. Don’t be fooled by the temporary. Hold on to Jesus and you are holding on to life to the full, for eternity!

His, by Grace,


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