Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday Thought -- July 8, 2014

Good Morning Friends,

Isaiah begins his prophetic writings with a review of the sins of the people of God. The Jews should have known better. They had been given every advantage. They were God’s people. They had been given the Law. They had seen God’s hand at work among them in miraculous ways. They had been led by godly men on many occasions who taught them well. But they gave in to corruption and sin.

It was not a pretty picture that Isaiah painted. It was a picture of rebellion against God. (Isaiah 1:2) A picture of a people bearing a load of guilt. (1:4) They had forsaken and spurned God. (1:4) It was a country desolate, without spiritual life. (1:7) They continued their religious practices, but there was no meaning in them. (1:11ff) God took no pleasure in their meetings, their sacrifices, their religious rituals. (1:11-12) God had stopped listening to their prayers. (1:15)

It was a desperate situation. But then came the good news. The marvelous offer of God.

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

Forgiveness was being offered. A clean slate was theirs for the asking. Grace and mercy abounded in God’s offer.

And to us, too. No matter how desolate. No matter how sinful. No matter how far from God. Grace and mercy are being offered. Forgiveness is being held out to us by God. A clean slate, a chance to start fresh again. It’s there every morning, every day. God is extending His hand to each of us. Receive the grace and forgiveness He offers to you.

His, by Grace,


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