Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Thought -- September 30, 2013

Good Morning Friends,

“Then they said, ‘Let's call the girl and ask her about it.’ So they called Rebekah and asked her, ‘Will you go with this man?’ ‘I will go,’ she said. So they sent their sister Rebekah on her way, along with her nurse and Abraham’s servant and his men. And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, ‘Our sister, may you increase to thousands upon thousands; may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies.’ Then Rebekah and her maids got ready and mounted their camels and went back with the man. So the servant took Rebekah and left.” (Genesis 24:57-61)

We speak often of the great men of faith from the pages of the Bible – and there are many to choose from. Men like Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Paul, Peter and the list goes on and on. But men are not the only people of faith of which the Bible speaks. The Bible also speaks of a great many women of great faith. Rebekah certainly stands among the list of women of great faith.

Rebekah was a young woman – as yet unmarried. She was happily living with her parents and serving as a caregiver of her father’s sheep. And then – out of the blue – a man comes from a great distance and he tells her that God has chosen her to return with him to the far country and become the wife of his master’s son. Abraham had sent his servant to his ancestral land and to his own family to find a wife for his son, Isaac. The servant had followed Abraham’s instructions and had chosen Rebekah as the woman of God’s choosing.

How would the young woman react? She could have recoiled at the word of the servant and refused to go with him. Genesis 24 seems to say it is likely that her family would have supported her decision to turn the servant down or at least delay her departure from her home. But Rebekah didn’t refuse. Rebekah didn’t even delay. As soon as she got her things ready for the trip, Rebekah willing traveled with the servant a great distance from her home and family and became the wife of a man she did not know and had never seen.

That’s faith. Rebekah trusted that the word of the servant and the clarity with which the servant believed he had heard from God was really God’s will for her and – in faith – she set out for a new life.

And God blessed Rebekah’s decision. God blessed Rebekah’s faith. She stands in the long line of ancestors to the people of Israel – to Moses – and David – and Jesus.

She stands as one of the many examples of women who have shown great faith.

His, by Grace,


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