Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday Thought -- May 30, 2012

Good Morning Friends,

In Matthew 25:14ff, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents.  Before leaving for a journey, a wealthy man entrusted his wealth to three of his servants.  To one he gave 5 talents, to one 2 talents and to the third one talent.  When he returned after a long time, the first servant had put the money to work and gained 5 more talents, the second had done the same and also doubled the wealth he had been entrusted with.  To each of them the master said, “Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21)

But the third servant had been afraid he would lose what the master had entrusted to him and so had hidden it in the ground.  When the master returned he gave the one talent back to him and the master said, “You should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.” (Matthew 25:27)

Jesus was not providing investment counsel with this parable, although it is good advice for that area of life.  Rather, He is talking about that with which He has entrusted His servants when He went on His long journey to heaven.  In the time between Jesus’ return to heaven after the resurrection and His second coming, He has entrusted to us, His servants, the responsibility of taking care of His kingdom.  What will we do with it?  Will we bury what we have received to protect it so that no one can take it from us?  That is a fortress mentality that would argue for Christians to get out of the world and live in isolation to keep from being affected by the world.  But to take that attitude would be to greatly disappoint the Master!

Jesus doesn’t want us to be isolated to protect what we have, but to be bold in using it to affect the lives of others.  We are to invest what He has entrusted to us so that it will produce a great return.

His, by Grace,


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