Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thursday Thought

Good Morning Friends,

David and the men who were with him found refuge in the land of the Philistines.  They were allowed to live in peace in the town of Ziklag.  But while David and his men were with the army of the Philistines, the Amalekites attacked Ziklag and carried all of the wives and children and property of David and his men away as plunder.

When David and his men returned to Ziklag and found what had happened they were greatly troubled.  1 Samuel 30:6 says that “David was distressed” and that his men were “bitter in spirit.”  Those are natural and understandable feelings.  Those that they loved had been taken away as captives and they didn’t know if they would ever see them again.

When difficult things happen, it is natural to be distressed and in great anguish.  But the question is … How will you handle your distress and anguish?

David’s men handled it one way, they talked of stoning David because he had let them down as a leader. (1 Samuel 30:6)  They had trusted David enough to follow him and leave their families behind.  Now, it had cost them their families.

But David handled his distress in a way that is different from the way his men handled theirs.  The Bible says, “But David found strength in the Lord his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6)  David turned to the Lord in his distress.  He sought the Lord’s direction about how to handle the distress and what to do in response to it.  He trusted God even in the midst of one of the most difficult seasons of his life.

Most of us find it pretty easy to trust God and to express our faith in Him when things in our lives are going well.  The question is … Will you trust Him and express faith in the difficult seasons of life?  David did.

His, by Grace,


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