Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday Thought – September 10, 2015

Good Morning Friends,

"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil." (Luke 4:1-2)

Jesus had just been baptized and experienced the miracles that accompanied it -- the Spirit coming from heaven and the voice of God. Immediately after that spiritual high, Jesus went into one of the most intensive periods of temptation that He had. Spiritual highs do not protect us from temptation. What Jesus experienced is a frequent pattern in our lives, too. Spiritual highs are often followed by intense seasons of temptation. It is like the devil plays hardball with us whenever God has moved powerfully in our lives.

When Jesus was led into the desert He was "full of the Holy Spirit." That is a mark of being close to God and sensitive to His work. That was always true of Jesus. It's not always true for us, but there are occasions when we would say it was true -- times when we feel close to the Lord and sensitive to what His work. Being full of the Holy Spirit did not exempt Jesus from temptation. It doesn't exempt us, either.

Jesus was "led by the Spirit." Jesus was not in a place where God did not want Him to be. That was not the reason He faced such powerful temptations. Jesus was not doing anything that God did not want Him to be doing. He was following the lead of the Spirit and going to place the Spirit wanted Him. Temptation can strike us anywhere -- even in those places that God wants us. Temptation can strike any time -- even when we are fully engaged in what God wants us to do.

There is never time when we can let down our guard against temptation. There is never a place where we can feel that Satan cannot attack us. There is never a protection that we can feel will keep us from feeling tempted to sin.

Jesus was vigilant while He walked in the desert and He overcame each temptation. Victory over temptation requires vigilance of us, too.

His, by Grace, Steve

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