Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday Thought -- May 29, 2014

Good Morning Friends,

“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.’ So Paul stayed for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God.” (Acts 18:9-11)

Paul had not been in Corinth long. He had started preaching in the synagogue. That was his usual pattern when he came into a new town. But the synagogue didn’t turn out to be a very friendly place for Paul or a place where there was much positive response. The Jews opposed Paul and became abusive. Paul moved his preaching out of the synagogue and into the school next door.

It was shortly after that when Paul received the vision from the Lord. God was giving Paul an instruction to stay in Corinth and continue to preach there. God gave Paul the promise that he would be able to do so without being harmed. Then God provided Paul with an interesting insight into the people of Corinth, “I have many people in this city.”

Paul didn’t know that. It didn’t look like that was true. There had been some success for the gospel so far. A number of Jews had come to Christ. But God was indicating that there were a whole lot of additional people that He knew were open to Him and would become His. Paul had an open door there to preach with great success.

In looking around Corinth you wouldn’t think that would be true. Corinth was the “sin city” of its day. We could compare it to our own Las Vegas! If any place would not be responsive to the gospel, surely Corinth would be that place.

But the point is -- the way an individual or a group looks on the surface does not always reflect what’s going on in their hearts. Paul couldn’t see what was happening in the hearts of the people of Corinth --- but God could. They may have looked hardened to Paul, but God could see there was an opening for the gospel if Paul would keep preaching.

Don’t write people off for God because they look unreachable. Be open and ready when God provides an opportunity to share with them about Him. Only God knows what’s really happening in their hearts.

His, by Grace,


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